Consider this a newsletter or if you will a communique the nature of which might shed some light on a few dark corners of the cutting room that is Hexes and Soldiers Games. First of all, who do i think i am? I mean, who am i to start throwing games out there to an unsuspecting wargaming community? Well, the answer to that can be as simple or complex as you want it to be but i'll try and make it both. To be honest, im probably not too much unlike yourselves. That is to say, a gamer with ideas who isn't satisfied with just playing a game, no, i/we have to reverse engineer the thing to see just how it works then add variations until the thing resembles some synthetic twin of ugliness. But its when i decided to officially offer up these lab results that the fundamental difference ensues, one that probably paints yours truly as naive in thinking that anyone might be even remotely interested in something that "Who is that guy again?" produced. Yet, we all started somewhere and i suppose the problem with this statement is the implication that we are all going somewhere and unfortunately, i can find no guarantee of that (trust me i've looked everywhere, under the couch, behind the bed board...) So how do i expect to compete with those already out there, those who wouldn't bother to crane their necks to look down their established noses at me? I don't. I'm not in this to compete and i should add i'm not in this to make a "killing". So why am i in this and just what is "this" anyway? I am in this because i am no different then all you other makers of music, you dreamers of dreams as this is my song, my dream.
The fundamental truth is, i'm not sure what the hell i'm doing. Fact is, i'm still trying to hone the whole podcast thing and when it comes to game design/production, there isn't much difference. I'm learning as i go and yes a key step in any healthy business model would be adding an official H&S GAMES web site, greasing up the advertising machine, etc. etc. but my focus here is on the game. Sounds crazy right? Well that's my intention anyway. The overwhelming perspective i've adopted is to design, develop and playtest and if somewhere along the way something gets sold, hey, that's merely a bonus.
Another key aspect to consider is that this thing truly is a one man show. If something works, i can pat myself on the back but if something is broken, well i only have myself to blame. With the initial release of Platoon Leader, i will readily admit that i could benefit from a rules editor and a host of playtesters but i'm trying and if things improve along the way than that is good enough for me.
So what can be expected from H&S GAMES? If nothing else, a simulation that i would play. How could i hawk a game that i wouldn't or couldn't play myself? But more than that, a simulation which i am willing to support along the way. So yea, i don't expect this to mean a hill of beans to anyone but it means a mountain to me.
Overall i'm happy with H&S GAMES initial release, Platoon Leader. This is the first time i've dared such a thing and i won't deny that the end result may reflect the current limitations of such an endeavor, obviously there is room for improvement. Fortunately i have a stockpile of improvement to fill that room! The next Platoon Leader installment will deal with winter in the Ardennes. You can expect an improved map with some extra stuff for your wargame sweet tooth. The third installment will reveal vehicles while the fourth installment will consist of an historical campaign. These are my goals and there is no time limit set. Cold Combat, the first expansion is in playtest mode as we speak. The rest, well, it's going to take a while. So if you've been following along with a curious ear, or even took a chance on an unknown game from an unknown company, i thank you. And if i never sold another game, i'd still be doing the same thing because there isn't much else i'd rather be doing.
Thanks for reading...and Keep Gaming!