It may not seem like it, but work on the Red Devils
expansion has been moving along at a terrifying pace. Major chunks of the to-do-list are getting
crossed off and its full steam ahead.
That said, here are a few pics of the upcoming Red Devils expansion pack
for Platoon Leader!
An overview of the components. That which you see here are playtest
components only and subject to change, nothing is final. Note the change
in strength markers. Suppression and Reaction markers are also now labeled as such.
A couple scenario cards. The style introduced in Cold Combat is
continued in Red Devils.
A section of the map. The fighting that is portrayed within this
expansion centers on the bridge proper and its immediate vicinity.
Zee Germans.
The Brits, Ta ta!
The troops in action.
The Stugs (Yay!)
Tentatively the armor looks something like
this. You will have a base number within
which you will roll to hit. If successful,
you will then roll 1d6 to determine the extent of the damage. (As the Brits have no armor, the Stugs will
be firing at infantry and buildings.) When
firing at infantry, the number rolled will equal the number of infantry
strength points eliminated minus the number 6 the result of which is served up
in suppression markers. So let’s say a
tank slams a shell into a hex of infantry within basic cover and gets a 4 on a
1d6. This means four hits. After
soaking 1 hit for cover, this means a 3 point strength reduction. As the
original number rolled was 4 we subtract this from 6 which means whoever survived
the strike will also end up with 2 suppression markers.
The Brits do get Piats which when fired at a tank
results in a fairly standard procedure which if a hit is successful, another
die roll is compared to either the front, side, top or rear armor. This can have varying results based on
whether the roll is equal to the armor rating, 1 or 2 greater than the armor
rating or 3 and up.
As already mentioned, overruns as well as off board
artillery and more will also be covered within Red Devils.
So there you go.
Hope this wets your appetite and remember, at this point all things are subject to change. Now
grab a copy of Platoon Leader and sharpen your skills so you’ll be ready for
Red Devils!
Scheduled release: January 2015.