Sunday, February 9, 2014

50 in 3!!!

50 in 3!!

Roughly three months ago I began the whole Hexes and Soldiers podcast endeavor and as of today I have officially hit the 50 mark by way of subscribers!!!  Its flattering to think that anyone would take the time to listen to me rant and attempt to present myself as even somewhat savvy when it comes to wargames and history.  Thanks for listening and keep gaming!!!  (and don't worry, my partner in crime is constantly humbling me :)


  1. Great job on the podcast and looking forward to see what you post.

  2. I found your podcast a week or so ago and have downloaded and converted all you episodes (to date) to mp3 so I can listen to them on my way to and from work (who listens to the news anyway?) Your presentation is great and has been surprisingly and pleasantly entertaining and informative. Thanks for all the time you've put into this!

  3. Hey Dan, thanks I'm glad you enjoy the show. If I might ask, what are using to convert the show into mp3's? Perhaps I could share your method with others?
