After a long overdue podcast episode and the official release of Cold Combat! I've decided to relax a bit. Since my old monitor went out recently i've been sitting mesmerized before my new 27 inch monitor, enjoying hockey, and recovering from a root canal but more importantly, i've dusted off an old classic.
Patton's Best is a Solitaire game of tank command. You control your Sherman tank (17 variations) and crew assigned to the 4th Armored Division as you move out of the "Cobra Breakout" following the Normandy invasion. Move into a new territory and deal with what you encounter. You will need to manage your crew's actions, your tank's facing, and attempt to take out enemy forces without losing your tank. Combat system is abstracted to not take place on a map, but rather on a sector grid, with positions and movement abstracted to only change in how they relate to your tank.
Needless to say i have ideas, namely switching the tank for an infantry platoon or squad but figured i should play this thing until it becomes second nature before i go "fiddling" with it. I found it interesting that there were a number of similarities between this and The Hunters from Consimpress. I think it's apparent that they drew at least part of their inspiration from Patton's Best and That's not a knock, I commend them. It is unconventional in that there is no map board such as one would find in your typical wargame. Instead, you are provided with a kind of overview/area movement map which keeps track of your entry and exit points as well as terrain type.

You are also provided with a battle board which consists of a single, centered hex which extends outward into a number zones that are further divided into three levels of distance.
Otherwise, you get a slew of charts. The AI for the Germans is rigid but interesting and as i began playing this i got a feeling i havent gotten in a long time, that childish, giddiness mixed with excitement as my adventure began.
Time is of the essence, literally, as you roll to see how much time passes as various operations are conducted. What is more, you never know what you might run into as random rolls determine the opposition.
My tank of choice:

After action reports are provided to keep track of your excursions:

Needless to say, much is abstracted and you have to be a bit open minded with a tad of imagination but otherwise, this game is golden. It is rich in detail, and the amount of time that must have went into design and development has to have been staggering. So if you've seen Fury and thought, what would that be like? Well, this may be as close as you'll ever get, or ever want to get.
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