Whew, what a frantic few weeks its been. The second expansion pack for Platoon Leader, Red Devils is nearly ready to hit the printers but not before some last minute editing, additions, subtractions, etc. So what can you expect from this thing? Well for starters you can expect a stage dressed with all the trappings of Arnhem circa '44 minus the beer. To be more specific, you can expect some armored fighting vehicles, PIATS, mortars, ammo shortages, fires, a Keep Calm Chit, and of course the actors themselves: the British Red Devils and Waffen SS. Oh and it wouldn't be an H&S GAME without a Werewolf variant and a few pages of historical notes.
That said, there have been a few changes since the last round of updates/pics. The map has changed but an enlarged deluxe version will still be included as will the deluxe counter sheets. Where tanks had been slated to make their debut, it seems they will have to wait a bit longer. Though AFV's are present, the inclusion of tanks would necessitate the inclusion of Anti-tank guns which would necessitate the inclusion of Bren carriers and all of this simply proved too rule heavy for a small expansion pack. I was able to factor in AFV's fairly smoothly with little rules overhead and without overshadowing the infantry which is where the spotlight of this system will always shine.
Overall, your looking at 3 scenarios plus the standard bonus scenario plus the werewolf variant (and counters!)or about 17 pages of stuff.
So as this puppy nears the printers you can expect it no later than Jan. 31. Remember, you will need Platoon Leader to play Red Devils but you will not need Cold Combat. What is more, the additional rules included in Cold Combat have been added to Red Devils. A Platoon Leader, Cold Combat, Red Devils bundle is also a possibility, otherwise this newest offer will have an introductory price of no more than $9.99 plus free shipping.
So that's it. You'll know as soon as i do when this goes live on EBAY and the GEEK!
Thanks for reading
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