Kursk would be Germany's last major offensive in the east during World War II. Following their disastrous defeat at Stalingrad during the winter of 1942-43, the German armed forces launched a climactic offensive known as Operation Citadel on July 4, 1943. Hitler had delayed the launch date for his push by three months which gave the Russians ample time to prepare. Additionally, the Russians were maturing in their operational capabilities such that the Germans faced a foe that was quite different from the one they faced in '41.
What to read:

What to play:
For miniatures enthusiasts:

For the weekend Kursk fan:

For the die hard Kursk fan:

Is that how large the board really is... ??? Looks like a ton of units... here's the deal, guys... own AH's "Stalingrad", Panzer Blitz, Panzer Leader, ... unless you have an interesting new game mechanic, how is it different from many of the others like Russian Campaign and older GMT games? Just curious. I could get interested in another Russian Campaign game IF something was different.... leaders, air power, impulse control, weather, morale... some new variants... it always seems the Russians can never lose, but I know that is true... what do you guys think.