Episode 33 nearly didn't happen, and maybe it shouldn't have. Maybe it had something to do with a program crash. Or maybe not. I had already scrapped one nearly completed attempt on Friday and nearly scrapped the second attempt on Saturday. I guess the working word in this situation would be perfectionist. I try hard, sometimes a bit too hard to make these things informative while enjoyable but sometimes it just doesn't seem good enough. After 32 episodes you would think i would have this thing down to a science and for the most part that's true. But for me to say it gets easier the further down the road i get, would be a lie.
Perhaps its the nature of the content involved. There was just so much going on around June 6th its hard to encapsulate it all. I tried to focus on some key aspects while maintaining a kind of continuous narrative thread but for some reason i had a hell of a time. So just as i was about ready to give up, i thought, if i'm ever going to reach my goal of 50 episodes or roughly 1 year, its not going to be easy and more, there may be a bad apple or two in the bunch (not to say this is a bad apple, that is for you to decide) so i soldiered forth to bring #33 to you guys but honestly, this was the most difficult episode yet to produce. (I shudder to use the term burn out but perhaps this is a factor as well. After all, 32 (now 33) episodes is nothing to sneeze at. It's also easier for me to see just how many podcasts started off strong and simply fell off. On the flip side of the coin, it's amazing to think that other shows have managed to carry on as long as they have (then again, perhaps some of these should have fallen off as well). Yet if there is one thing i've learned, it's that this endeavor takes work and dedication.
Perhaps i may return to this show's topic and tackle it again, give it its proper due, but until then, i will keep looking forward and rest assured in the thought that at the end of the day there are a couple good apples in the bunch and not every show can be a masterpiece.
So enough whining already, here's the rest of the guide...
Watch the book and read the movie! A ton of stuff available but for starters:

What to play:
For miniatures fans:

For cardboard fans:

Also mentioned on the show:

Quite possibly my all time favorite movie ever. Klaus Kinski is Lope De Aguirre. Directed by Werner Herzog.
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