Ok so why the scary Nazi zombie guys? I'll get to that in a minute but first let me give you a brief update on what's been going on.
New job. That's right, i've yet again managed to hop the career tracks and this time i've landed a gig on campus which is within walking distance from where I live. Why do i even mention this, because it's kept me busy.
Obviously i'm overdue for a show and all I can say is, that will happen when it happens. I have no exact time frame for when that will be and i've also decided that i'd rather wait and do a halfway decent show than do one just to do one. The next one will be episode 35.0 and let me tell ya, its a long way from episode 1.0 but i'm glad i took that first step, or should i say, we took that first step.
So what's new otherwise? The Napoleonic rules set is nearly complete. All that is left is the charts for firing and melee. So i decided to give myself a break but all i ended up doing was coming up with the rules to a game that I am quite pleased with. In fact, i have considered dedicating the next show to it. The game in question i have dubbed Rendezvous With Destiny. It is a WWII platoon level game that needs no charts, cards or combat results tables and the development has gone so well it should be available by the end of next month at the latest. Let me back up. I had tinkered around with the idea of a squad level WWII game for sometime, but for some reason it all came together recently. The action takes place in Normandy as a couple platoons of the 101st Airborne clash with Germans. It has a distinct solitaire element to it and focuses heavily on suppression and reaction. Leaders are in there and i've skimmed the cream off the top of a number of other games to come up with my own concoction. I'd love to go more in depth but i'll save that for a possible show topic. Otherwise, i'll "crack the seal' in an upcoming blog. The exciting thing is, this puppy barks, that is to say it really works! And i can't wait to share it. I have a few minor things left and then i will be presenting it to the printers here on campus after which i will have copies available through this site as well as ebay.
So why the zombies? Not that im the biggest zombie fan, but as a bonus, i included a rules section in the game for a zombie variant.
Otherwise, i have a birthday coming up this Wednesday and am sure to have something by way of a new game/s for show n' tell.
So that's it for now. Thanks for reading, and keep gaming!
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